Uncover the quality of your location data & discover missed opportunities
Our online presence tool provides immediate results on how your business is listed across top directories. Find new listing opportunities & audit existing location data to make the most out of your online presence.
Current Moz Local customers should use the Profile Completeness score in the Moz Local dashboard to determine the accuracy and completeness of their listings.
Are your local business listings maximized?
Moz Local checks your citations on Google, Google Maps, Facebook, Bing, and other local search engines and directories. When we find missing or inaccurate data, we'll let you know so you can take advantage of every search opportunity.
You'll also have access to local reporting tools like Visibility Index and profile completeness, so you know when to take action and when to show off your results.
Supercharge your local search visibility
From a single location to 1000+, Moz Local gives you the tools for complete listing management across the web. Take control of your local SEO with powerful citation accuracy checks, review management, publishing tools, integration with Google & Facebook, and more.