V1 Top Pages

This guide outlines the endpoints for now archived Mozscape API endpoints. The new Moz Links API endpoints are available here.

Top Pages [Archive of V1 Endpoints]

The top-pages endpoint returns metrics for URLs on a subdomain you specify. Make top-pages calls with a GET request for a single subdomain and specify metrics to return with the Cols parameter.

The top-pages endpoint is only available with a paid API subscription- free API accounts do not have access to this endpoint.



You can Sort top-pages results by Page Authority (page_authority) or the number of distinct root domains linking to a source URL (domains_linking_page).

The default value of Sort for top-pages is page_authority.

Sort valueDescription
page_authoritySource URLs with the most Page Authority return first.
domains_linking_pageThe number of distinct root domains linking to a source URL.

Limit and Offset

A maximum of 50 records can be retrieved per call. Use Offset and Limit to retrieve a maximum of 100,000 total records.


Mozscape accepts only one Filter value for top-pages calls.

The default value of Filter for top-pages is all.

Query ParameterDescription
allReturns all pages
status200Returns links with an HTTP status code of 200 (OK).
status301Returns links with a 301 redirect specified
status302Returns links with a 302 redirect specified
status4xxReturns links with an HTTP status code in the 400-range.
status5xxReturns links with an HTTP status code in the 500-range.

Sample Request


Mozscape returns:


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