Troubleshooting Course Access

Frequently Asked Questions

  • The worksheets and downloadable materials are typically linked below the video. Oftentimes it gets hidden beneath the fold. If, after scrolling to the bottom of the page, the materials aren’t there, please email to let us know.
  • Course access for the Moz Academy is for 1 year from the date of purchase, excluding promotions. If you use a promo code or promo access link, your access may differ.
  • For the best experience, we recommend you view your coursework with Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome. As of March 1st, Moz Academy does not support Internet Explorer.
  • As of March 1st, Moz Academy does not support Internet Explorer. For the best experience, we recommend you view your coursework with Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome.

What's Covered?

If you ever have trouble accessing a specific course or video, we’re here to help! Below we’ll outline some troubleshooting tips and common issues that may help.

Quick Links

Troubleshooting Video Playback

In the case that a video within a course isn’t playing or you’re being presented with a black screen, please try the following to try to solve the issue:

  1. Ensure you’re using an optimal browser- The Moz Academy works best with Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox and using another browser may cause playback issues.
  2. Clear your cache and cookies
  3. Try accessing the course and video from an incognito window
  4. Try accessing the course and video from a different browser
  5. Ensure there isn’t an extension or firewall blocking the site from fully loading (to test this, disable your browser extensions and attempt to play the video)

If you’re still having trouble, please see below for information on how to reach out to our team for assistance.

Troubleshooting Sound Issues

In the case that the sound for your courses is not auto-playing when the video loads, this is likely due to a browser setting. Google Chrome recently made changes to the default behavior for sound settings in videos which are auto-played. Unfortunately this is not something we are able to override or change on our end. You can read more about Chrome's autoplay policy on the Google developer blog.

I’m Still Having Trouble

If you’re still having trouble with your Moz Academy courses, please email with the following information:

  • The email address you used when signing up for the course
  • The course having the trouble with the URL for the course video
  • The browser and device type you’re using
  • A screenshot of the issue, if possible

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