Profile Completeness
Introduction to Profile Completeness
Your Profile Completeness score is an indication of how complete your Profile is in Moz Local for each location you manage. Profile Completeness is available from the Dashboard and Profile sections of Moz Local.
If you manage multiple Moz Local locations you'll also see an overview of Profile Completeness for all your managed locations from the Global Dashboard.
This guide will take you through how to find the Profile Completeness panel if you manage a single location or multiple locations with Moz Local, the four stages that make up Profile Completeness, and how to reach 100% Profile Completeness.

How to Find Profile Completeness
Single Location - If you manage a single location with Moz Local, you can locate your Profile completeness score from the Profile tab or Location Dashboard.
- Log into your Moz account and click on Manage Locations from the Subscription Summary page
- If you manage a single location you'll see your Profile Completeness from the Location Dashboard

Multiple Locations - If you manage multiple locations with Moz Local, you will first have to select the location from the left navigation menu, then you can view Profile Completeness score from the Profile tab or Location Dashboard.
- Log into your Moz account and click on Manage Locations from the Subscription Summary page
- You'll see Profile Completeness for all your managed locations from the Global Dashboard you’ll see your Profile Completeness expressed as a percentage, for all your managed locations, and what you can do to improve
- Click on Locations from the left navigation panel and select a location
- You'll see your Profile Completeness from the Profile tab, and Location Dashboard

Four Levels of Profile Completeness
Profile Completeness is broken down into four levels, each level comprises specific fields which account for different weights within the overall score. You will be required to complete specific profile fields in order to move up to the next stage. The more important a field, the earlier the stage it is required for. You can see the breakdown of Required, Basic, Advanced and Bonus profile information here:
- Required = 25% (name, address, phone, categories)
- Basic = 45% (opening hours, short or long description, photos, Google attributes if available)
- Advanced = 20% (keywords, services)
- Bonus = 10% (website, email)
How to Reach 100% Profile Completeness
To help you reach 100% completeness for your location(s) you’ll be prompted to enter the information required. In this example we need to add a logo and photos as explained on the Profile Completeness panel.
You can also hover over the Profile Completeness widget to get more detail on what is missing for that particular profile.

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