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  • Unsolved

    orphaned pages unwanted urls technical seo

    I am working on quite an old cms, and there are bunch of urls that don't make any sense.
    For example there are no internal links. And fortunately not much traffic at all. But I can't see in the cms why they are generating? I've tried to check the html code to check why, what's the reason? But all I can think of is the structure....? something odd the cms writes?
    Anyone have any ideas please? And would I redirect all these? Just thinking there could be a better solution/fix, rather than redirects since there are no links or traffic.....Like the devs solve why they are generating.....Unfortunately I get very slow responses from the devs as a 3rd pty company, hence on here ;0). (Some of those are indexed too)... :0) Thanks in advance....

    Technical SEO | | MattHopkins

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