
SERPs change — it's a fact of life online. And sometimes those changes affect the bottom line. Staying on the cutting edge of what's new from one day to the next is tough, but with STAT's large-scale rank tracking and SERP analytics, you’re always the first with the answer to what's happening on the SERPs.

In this 27-minute recording, we’ll show you around our favorite tool and its dashboards to uncover targeted insights right from the SERPs. You'll see how STAT's daily SERP tracking gives you the capability to:

  • Identify your true organic search competitors
  • Track SERP feature ownership by type
  • Access powerful share of voice and competitive landscape metrics
  • Segment your keywords strategically to surface targeted insights
  • Utilize a data-driven approach to pinpoint search opportunities

Presented by:

Matt Smith, Account Executive at Moz

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