Connect Google Business Profile
Please note: Google My Business (GMB) was recently rebranded as Google Business Profile (GBP) - this should not impact your ability to connect Google to your Moz Local location profile.
Before you get started
Please note: When connecting Google Business Profile to your Moz Local account, the location information in your Moz Local profile will overwrite the information currently noted in your Google Business Profile.
All the profile information you add to Moz Local will be treated as the source of truth to distribute out to the local search partner ecosystem and connected social platforms. This means that once you create and connect Google Business Profile to Moz Local all your business location information will update to what you have in Moz Local. This includes photos and additional information.
Before you connect Google Business Profile we strongly advise making sure you have uploaded all your images, and updated your Profile information in Moz Local.
You will need to be the owner or manager of the Google listing (this listing must be in the Google account you're connecting) and it must be verified. If this is not the case, you can access a link to share with the account owner, or request access directly in the connect flow.
Frequently Asked Questions
What's Covered?
In this guide you’ll learn how to connect Google Business Profile to your Moz Local location. If you are having trouble connecting Google Business Profile, please see our troubleshooting guide. If you need to connect Google Analytics to your Moz Pro Campaign, please see our connecting GA guide.
Looking to learn more about Local SEO? Moz offers a wide variety of training courses via Moz Academy! The catalog includes courses touching on various SEO topics, from basic knowledge to Local SEO Fundamentals and Local SEO Tactics to support your business. You can view the course catalog and get started here.
Quick Links
Connecting to Google Business Profile (GBP)
Please note: You will need to be the owner or manager (not site manager) of your Google Business Profile listing to connect.
Single Location - If you manage a single location with Moz Local you can connect Google Business Profile by following these steps:
- Log into your Moz Local account and select Moz Local > Dashboard from the drop-down menu on the top right
- From the location Directories tab, click on the Connect button from the Google Search panel
- From the Connect Google Business Profile pop-up, click the Start button and sign in to the relevant Google account.
- Select your Google account from the Local Listing Connector
- Click Allow to give Moz Local permission to manage your Google Business Profile.

Multiple Locations - If you manage multiple locations with Moz Local, you will first have to select the location from the left navigation menu, then you can connect Google Business Profile from the Directories tab using the steps above.

Google Business Profile User Roles and Permissions
To connect Google Business Profile you will need to be the owner or manager of the Google listing (this listing must be in the Google account you're connecting) and it must be verified.
If you aren't the owner or manager of the listing in Google Business Profile you can click on the link to access the URL and share this with the account owner. The URL is valid for 7 days. You can also request access directly in the connect flow.
Don't have a Google account? This isn't a problem - you can choose to create one at the beginning of the connect process. Just click the Create account link.

Troubleshooting Google Business Profile Connection Issues
Having trouble connecting Google Business Profile and Moz Local? Read our troubleshooting guide for steps for resolving issues.
Disconnect Google Business Profile
You can disconnect your Google Business Profile and Facebook accounts from your location by navigating to the Directories tab, and selecting the Disconnect listing link.
You can then verify and reconnect Google Business Profile from the Dashboard and Directories tabs.

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